Do nome próprio à nomeação: diálogo com Lacan e Lélia Gonzalez


  • Andrieli Barbosa Gomes UFSC
  • Mara Coelho de Souza Lago UFSC


The present article derives from the questioning about the possibilities of eavesdropping on antiracists in the psychoanalytic clinic. We seek to unfold the reflections produced from the dialogue between texts by Jacques Lacan and Lélia Gonzalez, which resulted in this theoretical essay. Opting for the cut and which contemplates the axes on the metaphor of the proper name and its oblivion, worked by Lacan in The Seminar, book 12, and some notes about what the psychoanalyst defends about identifications in The Seminar, book 9 we also brought the writing of Gonzalez on the appointments referred to black women in Brazilian society. Understanding that this interlocution contributes to thinking about the issues that involve clinical listening in psychoanalysis and brings it closer to other areas of knowledge to reflect on themes that cross everyday relationships, we proposed the articulation of psychoanalysis, in its subversive potential, with the antiracist writing of Brazilian theory and its important contribution to decolonial studies.

Keywords: Psychoanalytic clinic. Listening. Racism. Forgetfulness. Nominations.


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How to Cite

Gomes, A. B., & Lago, M. C. de S. (2023). Do nome próprio à nomeação: diálogo com Lacan e Lélia Gonzalez. Analytica: Revista De Psicanálise, 12(22). Retrieved from