Lou Andreas-Salomé e Sigmund Freud: encontros e diferenças


  • Paula Regina Peron PUCSP
  • Beatriz Adriana da Silva Rubin PUCSP
  • Julia Parizoto Maschietto PUCSP


Lou Andreas-Salomé was an author and psychoanalyst contemporary of Freud, whose production is little known by the psychoanalytic community. Her production is very diverse, which predominant themes are love, sexuality, femininity, religion and psychoanalysis, and it gets deepen in the discussions about narcissism, self-constitution, and the anal character of sexuality. This text, committed to the recognition of women and their scientific productions, has as purpose rescue this psychoanalyst’s importance as theoric, looking to make publish her work, trying to recede her from the image of lover, which was framed in her history. Besides that, we are looking to evidence Andreas-Salomé’s contributions to Freud’s psychoanalysis, as well as the convergence and divergence points between Freud’s and Salomé’s theories. We present a short systemization of her work through an historic and bibliographical investigation.

Keywords: Psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud. Lou Andreas-Salomé. Femininity. Narcissism.


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How to Cite

Peron, P. R., Rubin, B. A. da S., & Maschietto, J. P. (2023). Lou Andreas-Salomé e Sigmund Freud: encontros e diferenças. Analytica: Revista De Psicanálise, 12(22). Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufsj.edu.br/analytica/article/view/5187