El lamento de Áyax: anotaciones sobre la condición humana actual desde el Psicoanálisis aplicado al mito


  • Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento UNB


This research aims to demonstrate how, from the Greek myth of Ajax, it is possible to elucidate certain practices and phenomena of the contemporary neoliberal subject at the time of being backlit by Psychoanalysis. For this, the writing is divided into three moments: the first, which develops the way in which it is possible to find in Ajax a primitive vision of the neoliberal homo oeconomicus; the second, develops the way in which Ajax’s madness can be extrapolated to the current individual by extrapolating his suffering through the interpretive tools of Psychoanalysis; finally, the complex of Ajax is proposed as a way of conglomerating that way in which what the Greek hero suffered is reflected in the human being today and, furthermore, how it is that said complex can be overcome.

Keywords: Mythology. Mental health. Psychology. Neoliberalism.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento, J. D. A. (2023). El lamento de Áyax: anotaciones sobre la condición humana actual desde el Psicoanálisis aplicado al mito. Analytica: Revista De Psicanálise, 12(22). Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufsj.edu.br/analytica/article/view/5186